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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Summer living.....

The start of summer sweet it is,and how short...we can not waste a minute! Enjoy your day, Chrissy


*The Beautiful Life* said...

Looks beautiful and inviting!! Enjoy it indeed!


Michelle said...

Oh I love your deck, Chrissy! It's so inviting. That little table is perfect to have tea at!! :)

Anne Marie said...

water break - had to come by and see what YOU were doing... hee hee

my summer house has NOTHIN' on you girl...

what a great last picture that was!

and I couldn't have said it better myself!! enjoy the day too!!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty deck and I couldn't agree with you more on enjoying the summer.


Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Lovely vignettes!

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Hi Chrissy,
Thanks for stopping by and visiting today....your pictures make me want to REALLY stop by you for a visit....Is that your little pot of rosemary that I see thriving there? Have a great evening....Laura

Coloradolady said...

beautiful. Very inviting. Love the deck.

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

Looks so inviting, Yes, I will have a cup of tea... I posted something more to OUR liking. That kitchen would be a deal breaker for sure. lol

KeKe said...

Your deck looks great!! I could spend hours sittng there!!!

Kari said...

Hi Chrissy!
Thanks for checking in on me and for all your support. I have SO many things to blog about but I am just not motivated... now my sis is in labor so I'll be out of the loop for a while because of that. Anyways, just stopped by to tell you that I think your deck is just lovely. Everything you do looks so charming and yet so effortless. I'm just amazed. You are a natural stylist, I think!

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Chrissy so nice to see that you came by today- I spent 2 hours at the dentist office trying to get a crown glued back on- some of the porcelain ended up breaking off when it was put back on- not a good day as such!!

you are so right about it being such a short season- my porch is still hosting wood for our nightly fires as it is still cool- I should be able to start planting after next weekend- 21st is last frost date! I am used to my daffadils and iris blooming in Feb-early march where I came from!

The picture of your porch area with the sliding doors reminds me alot of my detached sunroom- it even has the ceder shake shingles!

As always- pictures are lovely


Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hey Girlfriend...

Your porch is lovely!!! I haven't even begun to work on ours yet! Our weather is just so erradic right now! Darlin'...beautiful photos!!! I think my favorite is of the big wire basket with the pretty crocheted piece draped over it!!! Ahhhh...true beauty!!!

So glad that you came by and took a peek at my junk prints! hehe!!!

Have a fabulous week, Darlin'!

Whispering Pine Cottage said...

You are right, we can not waste a minute!

cherry said...

You are the queen of vignettes...just lovely...apparantly we are not even ready for Spring snowed profusely Sunday....sigh. cherry

Barbara Jean said...

Beautiful pics.
I always love coming here Chrissy.

barbara jean

Tami said...

Just happened across your blog and it is adorable!! Off to look at more of your posts!


Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Chrissy, What an enchanting space to relax. I love the scarf draped over the chair. I could relax out there for hours.
Hugs, Terrie

Kathleen said...

Hi Chrissy, thank you so much for stopping by my blog to say hello. Your photos are fabulous. They have such a beauty, calm and peace to them. They make me feel so cozy. Wish I could join you there! Hugs, Kathleen

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Your photographs are lovely.

I had to smile when I read The start of summer sweet it is,and how shortHere in Southeast Texas, the summer seems to never end... [sigh]

Anonymous said...

I love the way the light filters through the crocheted doily... The bench is so quietly inviting.

Carole said...

Chrissy it looks so inviting. Enjoy the weather...we finally got a break and got some sun today. Though I do love my rainy days...I know I'm weird.

Enjoy your evening,

English Cottage in Georgia said...

You outdoor living is beautiful. Reserve the chair with the lace afghan for me.
Love it!

Tootsie said...

I could not have said it better myself....but those photos are all you!!!! I love the look!

Jessica said...

Summer living at it's finest!

Enjoy~ J

Musings From A French Cottage said...

Oh this looks wonderfully inviting! I can feel the warm breezes and taste the lemonade! Beautiful, my friend!


Anne Marie said...

Hey Chrissy....Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend....


Anonymous said...

Such gorgeous images - I can imagine sitting there in the sunshine. Have a lovely weekend.

Seawashed said...

Loveliness. Garden gazebo can be so romantic. I like to string twinkle lights with sheer curtains in ours. We have a chandelier from IKEA in ours...enchanting.

On The Wings Of Love said...

Okay need to be a photo stylist !! It;s gorgeous!

Missing you and blogging......haven't had time to blog ...let alone get on the computer .

Off to a Wedding today ....have a great Mother's Day !!



Hi Chrissy
Yes i am still living in Bangor and i know the Salty Dog although it was the Bangor bay Inn last time i had food there
Our family name is Johnston not sure if your hubby would know my older brother Stephen Johnston.
Although the name hughes dosent ring a bell to me

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Starting over isn't easy but its what I am doing,married for 26 years I now find myself on my own..I have two amazing grown children..and will soon have a new daughter in much to look forward too! Please stop by when ever you like,my door is always open!