Sunday, January 20, 2013

Counting the days....

                        Its like someone read my mind and put this together.....its all the things I want to find this spring and summer during flea market about you ...are you starting to think about it too ...or am I mad????  Snowing here as I type...bitterly cold and windy..but that's alright.....the thought of warmer days and treasure hunting keep me going....of course so do hot baths and flannel pajamas...have a happy week!  x0x0


  1. I used to go through withdrawals about now when living in NY. Especially when it snowed. I couldn't wait until the first market of the season.
    Luckily I have them year round now in the south of France....well, except when it's raining like this weekend!
    Great images today.

  2. Oh, I'm right there with you! Our monthly flea market (which is huge) is on hiatus until March. In the meantime, I'm filling the void looking for stuff on Ebay and Etsy. Not quite the same but I've managed to find a few things I've been wanting. I've got about 45 days until the next flea market. :)

  3. Similarly windy & cold here. I AM eager for good weather to scout about in!

    Curious about the object in the low right hand corner.... What IS is?

  4. As I wait for snow here I am counting days until it is warmer too!! Just more days to add to my wish list!

  5. Oh, what wonderful things!! I can't wait to start fleaing again once it's a bit warmer.
    Wishing you a beautiful week my friend!!

  6. My favorites as well!Oh I have not been to a flea market in years.We have so many thrift shops and antique shops I just never go.But I really need to.Hmmmm maybe when it is warmer in the spring :-)

  7. Those are certainly some great things you pictured! I can well imagine that you are anxious to get back to antiquing asap. I'm sure you have some cold winters up there. We have a couple of great monthly antique shows around us that can always help me get my "fix" if I need it. We also have some great antique malls around us. Seems everyone has something they can turn to if they need it. Looking forward to seeing what you find once those antique shows re-open in your area.

  8. I really try to not to bring much more into my least not without getting something out to even things out. I know that a move is in our future...maybe in a year or two and all I see is stuff...lots of stuff, all my kid's stuff that they will never have room for. I keep trying to convince my husband that the floor to ceiling stacked storage room needs a good cleaning with a sale of our own this spring!

  9. I'm with you. Adding more pins to Pinterest and looking forward to flea-ing while the snow flies.

  10. I would like a few of those pieces as well- Great Taste- Won't be long and will be in Spring-
    Love the bLog-

  11. It is cold and wet here and there are not a lot of vide greniers in our part of France at this time of the year so we are looking forward to Spring when they all start again.

    I am also shopping on ebay etc but it is not the same.....

    bon week-end, Leeann x

  12. I love everything here too! Love poking around for great stuff! Stay cozy!
